Donate today to help the EDC help our community.
Donations to the EDC, a 501c6 nonprofit organization, are not deductible as charitable deductions, but may be deductible as a business expense. Please consult your CPA for more information.
What our local, independent non-profit does:

Trades Training
We help kids and the unemployed gain skills for good, family-wage jobs.

Small Business Recovery
The pandemic crushed our County’s economy, causing record unemployment. We help small businesses and the self employed pivot and get the aid they need to survive and recover.

Innovation & Diversification
We encourage startups and economic diversification for a more resilient, sustainable economy through workshops, advising, community building, and more.
The EDC is a small independent non-profit. Government funding pays only a portion of the EDC’s expenses. We depend on support from generous individuals like you to help fund our Trades Training, Small Business Support, and Innovation/Diversification programs, and so much more. Your gift helps keep these vital services FREE or low-cost for all islanders.